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Q&A with Andrew Codispoti

Posted on February 18, 2020 in Staff, Wine

Director of Winemaking and Distilling Operations

Andy Codispoti

Describe your experience at Gervasi over the years.
Starting with the Gervasi team in early 2009 to develop and commission the winery has truly been a rewarding experience. It has been a pleasure working with the Swaldo family as the operation evolved and adapted over the years in response to our community of customers. We planted five acres of vineyards that are currently focused on three grape varietals; Marquette, Frontenac Gris and Aromella. Our wine portfolio has grown from 7 wines in 2010 to 24 wines today that we bottle on site. Over our short history, our wines have received distinctions with gold and double gold medals,  Ohio and Finger Lakes wine competitions “Best of Class”,  The Ohio Department of Agriculture Director’s Choice Award for  “Best of” and  2016 Ohio Winemaker of the Year. (more…)

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